3 research outputs found

    Training of future teachers of natural sciences for the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities

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    Today, an important aspect of future teachers training, in particular, natural sciences, is the usage of innovative technologies and approaches in the educational process of higher education institutions. The features of training future teachers of natural sciences using information and communication technologies are considered. The general global trends in the development of informatization of education are highlighted: expansion of the scope of use new information technologies.The principles of using information and communication technologies in the educational process are highlighted: the principle of visibility; the principle of expediency; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge; the principle of accessibility; the principle of individualization; the principle of connecting theory with practice; the principle of multimedia; the principle of interactivity. Online tools are highlighted to enable the use of innovative technologies for teaching future teachers of natural sciences. It is noted that in the educational system there are applications and information and communication technologies that widely used in the education system: word supercomputers, databases, demonstration programs, catalogue organization schemes, planners, graphic packages, etc

    Regional Studies and Tourism Work in the Education System

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    Розробка питання підготовки студентів до краєзнавчо-туристичної роботи складна й різноманітна. Сьогодні прослідковується актуалізація цієї проблеми для вищої школи в зв’язку з поставленими перед нею завданнями і необхідністю поглиблення знань про рідний край, здійснення туристичних акцій з учнями на сучасному рівні. Зростання ролі краєзнавчо-туристичної роботи у підготовці майбутніх учителів географії зумовлене тим, що в сучасних закладах вищої педагогічної освіти на неї звернено особливу увагу, відбуваються зміни методичної системи проведення краєзнавчо-туристичних досліджень у школі, постійне розширення сфери застосування краєзнавчої інформації й організація туристичних акцій в освіті.Development of the issue of preparing students for regional studies and tourism is complex and diverse. Today, the actualization of this problem for higher education is observed in connection with the tasks set before it and the need to deepen knowledge of the native land, the implementation of tourist promotions with students at the present level. The growing role of regional studies in the preparation of future teachers of geography is due to the fact that in modern institutions of higher pedagogical education it was paid special attention, there are changes in the methodological system of conducting regional studies and tourism studies at school, the constant expansion of the scope of local history information and the organization of tourist promotions in educatio

    The Economic role of tourism in European countries’ sustainable development

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    With the coronacrisis caused by the COVID–19 pandemic, the tourism industry in Europe suffered the most in 2020, experiencing huge losses, lay-offs of workers, mass bankruptcies of firms, etc. Undoubtedly, the tourism economy contributes to the sustainable development of European countries, but how? The answer to this question is contained in the proposed study. Algorithm method, correlation and regression analysis, and non-linear programming were used to address the economic contribution of tourism to sustainable development. The modelling of the multiple power regression equation was based on freely available official statistical data from 40 European countries for the year 2020. A multiple power regression equation modelling algorithm for the impact of tourism on the sustainable development of European countries has been proposed and validated. The challenge of maximising the Sustainable Development Goals Index is set and solved. It is justified that in order to increase the average European level of sustainable development by 1 % in the post-pandemic period, the average annual number of tourists per European country should be increased by 14 %, the tourist attractiveness of destinations should be increased to increase revenues per tourist by 17 %, and the sectoral structure of the European economy should be optimised so as to reduce dependence on tourist revenues by 0.4 percentage points. Keywords: algorithm, GDP, goals, modelling, multiple power regression, tourist